The following coverages are required to be shown on a Certificate of Insurance listing Peninsula Pacific Entertainment, LLC as the certificate holder:
- General Liability
Minimum Coverage $1,000,000 Each Occurrence
Minimum Coverage $2,000,000 General Aggregate
Minimum Coverage $2,000,000 Products and Completed Operations Aggregate
- Auto Liability
Minimum Coverage $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit.
Must indicate coverage for any auto – owned, hired or borrowed and non-owned vehicles.
- Excess/Umbrella
Please identify limits accordingly.
- Employers Liability
Minimum Coverage $500,000 Each Accident
Minimum Coverage $500,000 Disease – Each Employee
Minimum Coverage $500,000 Disease – Policy Limit
- Required Workers Compensation wording:
A waiver of subrogation has been placed in favor of Peninsula Pacific Entertainment, LLC; Colonial Downs Group, LLC; Lago Resort & Casino, LLC; SCE Partners, LLC; and Legends Gaming, LLC.
- Required General Liability wording:
Peninsula Pacific Entertainment, LLC; Colonial Downs Group, LLC; Lago Resort & Casino, LLC; SCE Partners, LLC; Legends Gaming, LLC; and their agents, affiliates, employees, directors, owners, and officers are named as additional insured as our interest may appear on the general liability policy on a primary and noncontributory basis. A waiver of subrogation has been placed in favor of Peninsula Pacific Entertainment, LLC; Colonial Downs Group, LLC; Lago Resort & Casino, LLC; SCE Partners, LLC; and Legends Gaming, LLC.
- Required Auto Liability wording:
Peninsula Pacific Entertainment, LLC; Colonial Downs Group, LLC; Lago Resort & Casino, LLC; SCE Partners, LLC; Legends Gaming, LLC; and their agents, affiliates, employees, directors, owners and officers are named as additional insured as our interest may appear on the Auto liability. A waiver of subrogation has been placed in favor of Peninsula Pacific Entertainment, LLC; Colonial Downs Group, LLC; Lago Resort & Casino, LLC; SCE Partners, LLC; and Legends Gaming, LLC.
Unless we receive the information requested, we may no longer be able to continue our business relationship. As such, please be timely in providing us with the requested information. Our policy is that we must have all of the above information on file.